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Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is one of the first things many people think about when purchasing a vehicle. Not only is it a monthly expense to consider, but it’s an assurance that you’ll be safe and protected in the event of a collision.

Even if you’re a great driver, there are many uncontrollable factors when driving, so even the best driver can have an accident in Chalfont, Montgomeryville, or Lansdale. And that’s where auto insurance comes in to play. In the event of a collision, an auto insurance policy will help you by covering necessary vehicle repairs and medical costs so you can quickly get back to your normal routine.

Car Insurance

If your vehicle is destroyed or damage in a collision, car insurance is the part of your insurance policy that will help you pay to repair the vehicle or replace it if necessary. This is most often used in the event of a collision involving another vehicle or a stationary object.

There are two parts to your car insurance policy: liability coverage and collision coverage. In the event that you’re ruled at fault for a collision, liability coverage will help you pay for damages to the other person, whether it’s for property damage or physical injury.

Collision coverage will protect you in the event of a collision without bodily injury, whether your vehicle is struck or you strike another vehicle or an object. To ensure that your vehicle is protected, you want to purchase enough insurance to cover the costs of any necessary repairs at your local service center near Montgomeryville, Lansdale, or Chalfont.

Get Coverage Now

The best time to prepare for an auto accident is long before it happens, and you can prepare now with help from the professionals at Montgomeryville Insurance, your local auto insurance company near Chalfont, Lansdale, and Montgomeryville.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a first-time driver, or a driver with an excellent driving record looking for auto insurance, we would be happy to help you find the policy that best fits your needs and budget. Contact us now to learn more about the coverage levels we offer to keep you, your passengers, and other drivers on the road safe today and every day.


Montgomeryville Insurance
Agency, LLC

991 Bethlehem Pike
Montgomeryville, PA 18936


E-mail address:

(215) 616-8960

M - F: 9:00am - 6:00pm