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Life insurance

Choosing to carry a life insurance policy is one of the most loving things you can do to the people you leave behind. Not only does this kind of policy cover the cost of funeral and burial costs near Lansdale, Chalfont, and Montgomeryville, after you’re gone, but it also covers other debts you may not have considered such as medical bills and outstanding debts you carried during your lifetime. In addition to these, your life insurance policy can also help your family get back on their feet, including covering living expenses such as the mortgage, utilities, and even food.

Peaceful Retirement

One of the benefits of having a life insurance policy is that if you’re maintaining a permanent life insurance policy throughout your career, by the time you are ready to retire you’ll likely have a hefty sum that is more than enough to cover the costs of taking care of those you leave behind. You may choose to cash out part or all of your life insurance policy to make your retirement more peaceful and financially comfortable.

Safe Life

Depending on where you are in life’s journey, your coverage needs may be different. If you’re just starting out in your career near Montgomeryville, Chalfont, and Lansdale, are unmarried, and have no children, your coverage will be much different than a spouse in a single-earner household with four children. Talk to a Montgomeryville Insurance agent to determine your life insurance needs.

Child's future

Life Insurance, unlike other types of insurance, is a choice we make for the ones we leave behind. And as such, the amount of coverage you choose is a highly personal decision. Thankfully, the team at Montgomeryville Insurance will be here every step of the way to assist you in choosing the amount of coverage that is best for you, your family, and your short- and long-term financial goals.

Permanent life insurance offers a lifetime of protection and by continuing to pay your premium you continue to maintain the coverage.

If you need help answering this question or you’re not sure what level of coverage, if any, you might need, contact the team at Montgomeryville Insurance.

How Much Coverage Is Enough?

There are different levels of life insurance coverage that you can discuss with our team during your evaluation. There is both term life insurance and permanent life insurance coverage. Term life insurance is a good option for those later in life who want a set time limit on their insurance coverage. Permanent


Montgomeryville Insurance
Agency, LLC

991 Bethlehem Pike
Montgomeryville, PA 18936


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(215) 616-8960

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